The Fundamentals of Aging and Eating Well is more than a Plant Base Diet. As we Age forty-five (45yr) plus, our bodies need more nutrients. In the beginning of human life Fruit, Grains, nuts, Seeds & Vegetables was sufficient. Now, as we age, we need to supplement. Since the body is created from the Dust of the Earth the body will respond quickly to Herbal Supplements as well as certain Vitamins or Whole Food Vitamins. When taking Herbal Supplements you're getting vitamins in their proper proportion from God's Farmacy...the Earth!
Herbs like Vitamins has many different functions as they come in contact with the body's cell through the food. Food such as Beets, Broccoli, Collar & Mustard Greens, Carrots, non- dairy Cheese, non-gmo Corn Muffins, Parsnips, Rutabagas and Walnut Patties.
Hawthorn Berries-high in Vit C, B-complex, Sodium, Silicon, Phosphorus, Iron, Zinc and Sulphur. Another herb, Burdock Root- high in Vit.C, Iron, Protein, CHO, Vit. A, P, E, B-complex, Iodione, Zinc and Copper.
However, As We Age, our bodies become more or less deficient in Vitamin and Mineral Supplements which can be obtain from both, Whole Foods and Laboratory made Sources such as: Liquid- Cal/Mg/Vit D or Cal/Mg/phosphorus/Vit D, Trace Minerals, Chromium Picolinate, Iodine, Vit A, B-complex, Vit.C & Vit D. Also, some of RDA's of the Major Minerals- Iron, Selenium, Phosphorus, Zinc, Friendly Flora (Acidolphilus) and Electrolytes.
Most Primary Physicans will work with you to keep your body chemistry in balance or in range.