Rapid Awakening- Dietary and Wellness Updates - Administrator Account

One of the beauties of attending Health Classes is meeting and visiting with other health conscious individuals. This group of ladies were very actively involved in the Health Presentation. We all agreed there's, "Nothing Sweet about Soft Bones! The main emphasis was on God's Plan for the Human Race 3John2 and Scientific Research. We found that Exercise, among other essential health practices, is the Number One Treatment for both Diabetes and Osteoporosis!
Rapid Awakening- Dietary and Wellness Updates - Administrator Account
R.S.V.P. 248.508.1208 or info@rapidawakeninghealth.com
March 16th / April 20th-Aroma Therapy Foot Spa
Rapid Awakening- Dietary and Wellness Updates - Administrator Account
These delicious mouth watering desserts are loaded with Antioxidants and Phyto-Nutrients. They have the most essential nutrients for preventing and improving health. They are very high in Fiber.

Rapid Awakening- Dietary and Wellness Updates - Administrator Account
Rosemary is part of the Mint family. Good enhancer herb for teas, soups, vegetables of course breads and any Italian dish. Rosemay prevent food poisoning, fight infections and headaches. Use as an Essential Oil for Acne. It produces an uplifting jovial effect.
Flaxseed is an excellent fiber with added benefits of Essential Fatty Acids. It contains Lignans a type of fiber that has been known to lower the risk of Breast Cancer & Colon Cancer. The Soluble Fibers.......... retards the absorption of glucose, this makes Soluble Fibers useful in managing Diabetes, Hypoglycemia, Hyperglycemia and any other conditions concerning the breakdown of CHO.
Garbanzo Beans or Chickpeas has a high concentration of Calcium, Iron, Potassium and Vit. A. When sprouting the beans use 1cup, rinse 2-3x a day, ready in 4 days.
Rapid Awakening- Dietary and Wellness Updates - Administrator Account
Awake that which is slumbering with our spring season delicious Raw Vegetable Lasagna. This lasagna was presented at our most recent raw cooking class on March 17th.
Sweet Yellow Peppers are high in Vitamin C. They are good for all types of illnesses.
Summer Squash very high in...